Saturday, August 06, 2011

Mall Appearances of the Apes

Thought it would be fitting to do a piece on the various Planet of the Apes mall appearances we've collected over the years. The one above came in from the UK circa 1977 (Apes popularity lingered there)

Scott sent me this classic of him and Cornelius at a Long Island Toy Store, dig the Mego Treehouse Playsets behind.

Another great shot from a similiar appearance, these were put together by Mego and 20th Century Fox.

The action figure display behind Cornelius makes my head explode.

plaid Stallions mall appearance gallery
Buy a Brick doll

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, those are great shots! Oh, to travel back in time to toy stores loaded with Apes & Trek toys and of course, MEGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott is one very fortunate fellow to have that pair of photos.

    I notice that in the first shot with Scott, Cornelius looks like he is drunk or has a cold (the makeup isn't on quite right). But in the third pic, the black and white one, Cornelius is looking right at the camera and thinking, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Poor actor...

    Thanks for posting these!

    Gordon Long


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