Friday, June 10, 2011

1983 JC Adventures in Toy Land Catalog

Another fun trip down memory lane courtesy of the JC Penney toy flier. The Penney Flier always kind of went a step up normal advertising and this 1983 brochure looks more like a cool comic book than an advertisement.

1983 is a great example to have thanks to the metric ton of iconic 80s toys in between these covers including, Barbie, He Man, GI Joe, the gang from Star Wars and the Adventure People.

Click on the images below to see larger pages with descriptions:

Other Toy Flyers and Circulars:


  1. My JC Penney never got these catalogs. They also never had any toys, either during the year OR at Xmas.

    (missing the days when big stores would put in a toy section for the holidays)

  2. Dancin' Homer6/12/2011 1:43 PM

    That's an aweful lot of work to put together a catalog who's prices are only valid from 11/25 to 11/27.

  3. You're right, DH. It must have been a Thanksgiving sale--that's the only way those dates makes sense.

    (anybody got an old 1983 calendar to look this up?)

  4. I loved the JC Penny catalogs...


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