Monday, May 30, 2011

The Aliens

Park Plastics Aliens line was another attempt to cash in on the endless popularity in space and sci fi caused by Star Wars, they're also kind of fun looking. If you've never heard of Park Plastics, that's because they were mainly known for water pistols and non tv advertised rack toys. As far as I know this is the closest thing they ever made to an action figure and they made a big splash about them in the trades.

Representatives from Park Plastics at Toy fair circa 1978.


  1. Ha! I had a Zoark!

    I remember the night I got him: my parents had gone to a store and I'd asked if they could find me some Mego superhero toys. The store didn't have any but they got me one of these Aliens toys instead.

  2. Wow, that dude looks like Dave Thomas. May I have a small chili and a frosty please...

  3. Pics like this always crack me up. They're always some older gents in their 70's suits lurking around the toy aisle. I'm sure they have no idea what the hell they are even promoting.

  4. I had the Zoder when I was a kid! Would love to have it again, but I've looked, it's pretty rare. I see these ads in the back of old Warren magazines and it always makes me smile.

  5. My brother and I had these two when we were kids and boy, did we run 'em through the wringer!

    Pretty sure the only action they were meant to see was the occasional swat from the cat -- gimme die-cast action toys any day!

  6. I had both of these guys and both broke very easily. Zoder's arm snapped off and his spinner shooter stopped functioning. Likewise, Zoark's shooting arm didn't work for very long. Still, they were cool figures.

  7. Oh yeah, those guys in the Toy Fair shot look like the reps that can sell me some ACTION toys. Who knows more about exciting children's playthings than dumpy middle-aged white guys who look like the cameraman is holding them at gunpoint? Yikes...


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