Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Adventure 2000

I absolutely adored toys like Matchboxes "Adventure 2000" as a boy and  was really disheartened as an adult in the actual year 2000, none of their bold predictions came true. My Pontiac Aztek could not fly nor did I get any sort of laser cannon accessories.

You lied to me Matchbox!


  1. I got The Raider Command from the Circus World, in Singing River Mall, back in 1980. Trivia--it was used by Judge Dredd in "The Cursed Earth Saga" (where it was called the Law Wagon.) It didn't survive to the end of that tale.

    I had to go to Merrie Olde to get The Crusader. Tough toy, even with the twin plastic barrels; it survived Katrina!

    Maybe Dredd should have used it in his journey across the Cursed Earth, yah?

    (who has no memory of The Flight Hunter.)

  2. Funnily enough, I was just about to share that same Dredd trivia...

    I seem to recall they came with non-poseable ''army men'' style figurines, possibly cast in solid silvery plastic. I remember one guy who was bald and wearing a little half-cape...

  3. I had the winged car. In fact, I think I still do. I have to go digging around in my basement tonight now.

  4. I need my eyes checking. Of course they came with figures, as you can see them in the photo!

  5. that is one cool Matchbox play set! i used to love innovative toys with futuristic themes like that when i was a kid.

  6. I still have these, sadly the missles have been lost over the years and the treads are brittle/broken now. There was one more in this line that was a four wheeled vehiclethat the sides flipped down and it had a missle launcher. Don't recall the name of it though.

  7. Recently scored a Rocket Striker on eBay that came with a full complement of rockets. I was pretty pleased to finally fill all of the bays on mine. Now I just need that red rocket for the Raider Command.

    The Judge Dredd story called the K2001 a Land Rider/Land Raider and the back half was dubbed the Killdozer.

    Check out this link for most of the vehicle pictures from the Cursed Earth story.

  8. I've always wondered about the Dredd connection. Did the comic have the rights to use the design? Did they poach it? Was there a deliberate tie-in with Matchbox?

    It also appears in the "Judge Minty" film.

    Don C.


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