Saturday, January 08, 2011

Rom: Spaceknight gets some love

Lynch sent me this fantastic image of Rom, it's the same one used for the "Marvel: Live and In Person" flier but it's a better version of it, showing the whole outfit, which I have to say looks really good. Lynch was lucky enough to see Rom twice and makes mention of his voice :

"At first, ROM’s voice sounded too much like Darth Vader so they had to tweek it. It sounded like a Cylon Centaurion here. I saw ROM at a San Diego Comicon in 1981 and his voice was normal, so maybe Marvel thought they would get sued from George Lucas or Glen A. Larson (Battlestar Galactica) so they did away with it."

Cool info and photo, thanks Lynch!
plaid Stallions mall appearance gallery

plaid Stallions mall appearance gallery


  1. Dancin' Homer1/08/2011 9:19 AM

    Distracted by the children, Rom fails to notice the evil Dr Bookworm trying to steal his Neutralizer!

  2. I've gotta say, of all the SF-toy costumes I've seen win awards at conventions over the years, none really comes as close to nailing it as this-here rendition of ROM.

    I never owned the toy, but the comics were sure fun :^)

  3. I just have to say it: His gun looks like it was a modified bullhorn, you can see the cord.

  4. It looks like that kid is stuck to him by static, like when you rub a balloon on your head and it sticks.

  5. Rom fans might be interested to know about a new blog site for ROM featuring updated information and a ton of original art.

  6. by the way i also should have mentioned that this is a great blog site. but there was a lot of great stuff from the mid to late 70's that was every bit as cool. i'm adding this site into my blog role.

  7. That is super cool. Coincidentally, this weekend I saw a ROM figure--the first time I'd ever actually seen one!--and he was a monster! I expected him to be a bit more spindley.

    Man, I'd love a new ROM figure...


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