Tuesday, December 21, 2010

International Bionic People

From the UK I bring you James Austin and Stevie Sommers, the "Don't Sue Us" Bionic couple. These unlicensed wonders were created by Tomland, a company that seemed to get it's kicks from knocking off Star Wars and other films. Their Star Raiders and Famous Monsters line are a both a child's and a lawyer's dream.

Our Bionic Man actually had another life as "Dral" a member of the aforementioned "Star Raiders". Recognize Dral's outfit? That's cause it's a rip off of Mattel's Pulsar outfit. So technically, he's wearing a knockoff off a suit that was in itself a knockoff, kind of makes you dizzy. Tomland knew no shame and we're better for it.

As a palate cleanse, I bring you the completely licensed "El Hombre Nuclear" from a toy company known as BASA in Peru. Lucky Peruvians had themselves a Steve Austin on a Mego body, I cannot tell you how much I love this toy, words have no meaning.


  1. The UK version of Steve Austin looks like Donald Trump.

  2. I had Dral as a kid, he took on many roles in my childhood Mego adventures. I think my mom bought him in a grocery store in Chicago of all places.

  3. I bet when Pulsar saw Dral's copycat outfit, it really got his blood pumping.

    Thank you, I'll be here all week.


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