Sunday, October 31, 2010

Colouring Book Theatre: Monster Squad

"Monster Squad" by Rand McNally

As we close our month of Halloween goodness, I thought of no better choice than this newly discovered addition to my collection.

As any reader to the blog would know, I kind of have a minor obsession with the 1976 Saturday morning series and finding merchandise from it.

I was a little worried that this book would suck but am pleasantly surprised to find it faithful to the show, even catching some of it's weird humour.

More Monster crime fighting after the jump:

The story begins with the usual origin, Walt's crime computer brings Frank, Bruce and Dracula to life. The art is actually above par for a colouring book and seems to be faithful to the series design. 
This is the page that hit it out of the park for me, one of the biggest jokes of the series is the Monsters attempting to go "undercover" in every episode. It's like when Batman tries to "blend in" in the pilot of the 1966 series and it's fun to see it here.
Behold the Candy Thief! The part Ray Jay Johnson was born to play, guess what he's doing?

The boys attempt to go undercover, get captured and are put in the usual nonsensical death trap. The only way out of course is to eat their way out, this is a kid's book after all.

After the main story and a bit about Frankie's birthday party (which was on the series as well) there are some fun crafts like this badge and Monster band radio. I never knew what they were called prior to this book, so I actually learned something from a colouring book. I would killed to have this as a kid....

Happy Halloween! Stay Tuned Later as I announce the winner of our contest!

Next Week: Bride of Frankenstein

If you have a colouring book you'd like to guest review, I'd like to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't he the same Candy Man bad guy from Happy Days?


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