Friday, October 08, 2010

1987 Imagineering Halloween Catalog Featuring Elvira

The one thing that was a constant for children of the 70s and 80s was as soon as the seasonal aisle of your local drugstore was done with back to school, it became filled with gory fun items in anticipation of Halloween.
There were items such as fake fangs and vampire blood that we all wished were made year round and the biggest producer of those items was a company called Imagineering.
Now for your reading pleasure this October we have what Imagineering had to offer in 1987 including their latest license, Elvira : Mistress of the Dark. 

Like a lot of males who grew up in the 1980s I developed an instant crush on the Mistress of the Dark the first time I saw her and pretty much still have it but even I've got to think this one is pushing it a little:

Click Here to Enjoy the 1987 Imagineering Catalog

Plus Co-Hits


  1. That packaging was still being used in Canada not so long ago (if it's not still being used), as I remember clearly those packaging pictures at Shoppers Drug Mart...


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