Friday, September 10, 2010

HG Toys for 1980

HG Toys was a company known for applying licenses to their staple of role playing items, puzzles and playsets. In 1980, they rocked the 25th century with Buck Rogers, explored the seedy streets of Vega$ and smashed a few cities with Godzilla. Shoot they even made Fantasy Island merchandise, what's not to love?

Other HG Toys Links
1974 summer toys catalog . 1974 HG Toys Puzzle Catalog.1979 HG Toys Catalog


  1. Alphacentaurian9/10/2010 12:11 AM

    Before the mid-80s, Megatron was forced to pose in his disguise mode for the Ultra-Force sets.

    Hey, Barbapapa puzzles! Awesomesauce!

  2. Whoa - I had a girlfriend who used to talk about Barpapas, it sounded like some crazy dream, but then so does much from the seventies.

  3. I had almost all of those roleplay sets, I was big into toy guns then. I had the Buck Rogers helmet and badge, but I didn't have the ship, it must have been packaged differently as well.

  4. I would have loved that stuff. *sigh*


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