Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If you should die before you wake...

From the "Attention Kindertrauma" Dept : There is no way you could go to sleep with that staring back at you every night and not grow up just a little bit broken.


  1. That caption was priceless! Yeah, you better pray--pray the clown-man doesn't get you (mwahaha)

  2. Zowie!

    In addition to Kindertrauma, there should be a section of Kid Things Designed by People Who Have No Idea What Kids Are Really Like.

    I do like the train thing, though...

  3. That clown leered down on my bedroom from 1992-5, then the bathroom in our next house from '95-'03. We'd be using him still, but the current house only has one spot for such a fixture, and I've got a mid-'60s NASA-themed one that takes precedent.

  4. That is just too freaky! Ahhhhh!

  5. "I'll watch you as you sleep. HONK! HONK!"

  6. It's funny... for some reason that clown reminds me of Nicolas Cage.

  7. my boyfriend has the clown!!


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