Friday, May 07, 2010

Vintage Toy Stores Part 8

It is always a happy time when I gather up enough shots of vintage and (sadly) no longer in business toy stores from yesteryear.

In the latest installment we hop over the the UK for some staggering window displays for Palitoy Action Man (the UK G.I. Joe) then we'll go back stateside to see some toy departments past and get some peaks at Star Wars, Six Million Dollar man, Major Matt Mason and other toys long since past.

Click Here to Visit Vintage Toy Store Pictures Part Eight

And when you're done digging on part 8, check out parts 1 through 7 in our archive, it's a total trip:


  1. It is sad. The Child World where I grew up is now a Michael's.

    (and the theater across the street where I saw Star Wars is now torn down and the drive-in by my old house is halfway to reverting to pasture. Dammit! Now I'm sad.)

  2. The memories of our youth are always shattered. My dad misses so much of what was around when he was a kid too. It makes me think more about it now that I have two baby girls and what they will remember growing up.

    Sigh...thanks for ruining our Friday.

    (just kidding)

  3. Oh god, all those banana seats on the Bike aisle in Children's Village... too much! (Brilliant as always BTW.)

  4. I have a friend who has a passion for collecting vintage Star Wars merchandise from the late 70's. Action figures, comics, trading cards etc anything related to the first Star Wars movie. But why only until 1980? he told me that it's not that he don't love The Empire Strikes Back and beyond, but there is something about that first wave of Star Wars mania that really grips him, back when it was all fresh and exciting.


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