Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Eagle One by Dinky

Besides having a name that is instantly hilarious to young boys, Dinky also made diecast toys covered in all kinds of awesome. Take for example the Eagle One from Space:1999, this was diecast at it's most brilliant and it was happily just one of the many things they turned out from the Gerry Anderson Stable. One of these days....

More Space:1999


  1. Man, I wanted an Eagle transporter.

    I did, however, have me a Corgi Batmobile and BatBoat.

    BM and R must have looked pretty funny backing that trailer in down at the local ramp. I'll bet he made sure to wash the BatBoat clean of aquatic plants, though. I bet he made sure EVERYONE washed their boats...

  2. Anybody know the scale of the Batmobile and Batboat? They look a lot like the Hot Wheels 1:50 versions currently available.

  3. You're a lucky guy Arkonbey. Having the die cast version would have been great. I did have the plastic version though, and was cool with that.

  4. I got a UFO Interceptor back when they came out. Fires the missile, and you could even put a sticky cap on it and make it pop when you fired it. Still have it and it's in great shape.

    Snagged an Eagle off eBay a few years back. Always wanted one of those, but never saw it in the stores back then.


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