Saturday, April 24, 2010

Plaid Stallions 4th Birthday Bash

I know I promised a Cylon picture (and I'll get to that) but I just realized that today makes the fourth anniversary of this blog. So it seemed fitting to unveil Card #0 of the PlaidStallions trading cards, the Brick Mantooth action figure.

I cannot believe that it has been four years since I first created this blog and this (rather dry) first post. If you had have told me that I'd still being doing this let alone making trading cards, books and action figures I wouldn't have believed it. Mostly because I don't usually have that much "sticktoitiveness".
It's been an incredible positive trip and I've met some truly remarkable people and made some genuine friends. I truly thank you the reader for all your kind words and thoughts over the years, they've meant the world to me.
As with all the PS birthdays, it's time for another contest, just send me the answer to this question:

What's the one toy or childhood item from the 1970s you still wish you had?
Email me the Answer here and I'll announce the winners next Saturday.
Prizes include: Commercial DVDs, trading cards and Mego Reimagined Catalogs.

Again, my thanks to everyone for this terrific and fun journey.


  1. Congrats! (Oh,and Brick needs a codpiece)

  2. Here's to many more years of Mantoothy goodness!

  3. Happy 4th - Here's to many, many more!

  4. Another year removed from the 70's. I used to thing that was a good thing.....

    Congrats Brian!


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