Friday, April 02, 2010

Kenner Sea Wees Catalog

I don't do enough girl's toys features and that's a mistake cause I've got a great female readership and well, there's some really funky cool stuff out there.
Take for example Kenner Sea Wees, a bath centered toy line featured little mermaids who of course had long hair you could style (the play value of this evades me but it appears to be a long running standard).
Kenner ran Sea Wees for five years and it retains a cult following today. Heck I even have a male friend who collects them but I won't reveal his name, unless he stops paying me...


  1. I remember these. I don't think I had them, but I remember them!

  2. I had the blonde one with the pink fin, when they were reissued with the babies.

  3. I had Frosty and Flo, the ones with the light blue fins: :D

    I'm sure my mom wasn't so crazy about them, though. They're part of the reason she had trouble getting me out of the tub...

  4. I still have some of these, and would kill for the bubble ballet girls! Seriously!

  5. Venus, I have a bubble ballet for sale if you are interested. Email me'....


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