Thursday, February 04, 2010

Bump N Go Caped Crusaders

I'm pretty sure I had this as a kid, mostly because of the disappointing weird, chubby Batman and Robin figures that are at the drivers seat. As a kid, if you couldn't take the figures out of something, I had entirely no use for it. I was totally spoiled thanks to the good people at Fisher Price and Mego.

As an dult, I kind of think it's a wickedly cool toy, funny how that works...


  1. Greetings!

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  2. Cool. I had something similar, but I believe the Batmobile was black.

  3. I dig the color of that Batmobile.

  4. Wings, mine was black too, and those damm heads always drive me crazy..

  5. Of the few toys I have left over from my childhood, this is still my favorite. My father picked this up for me at our local Playworld when I was about two or three. Now, its beat up: the exhaust/"rocket tubes" are long gone, its been dropped plenty of times, & the bump-N-go action is now just a bump-N-stay action. With all the stuff I've purchased & own, I would never sell this. You could put a gun to my head & I'd never part with it. . .


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