Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

I didn't hear tell of the Sears exclusive Cantina playset until my adult years and I think the first time I've ever heard of "action figure variants" was this blue suited Snaggle Tooth.

Even though he's tall and I never had him as a kid, he's just one of those things that makes my nerdy little heart go pitter patter.....


  1. That is a beautiful catalog page, I want to make a wallpaper for my computer out of it. I received my Death Star play set from the Sears catalog, man I miss that toy...

  2. Tall Snaggletooth has some stylin' boots.

    I wonder if Tall Snaggletooth is part of the expanded universe? I don't believe in that stuff since I'm Orthodox Star Wars. I'm sure his name is Pondy Pabda.

  3. I knew a kid that had the Cantina playset. Worst Star Wars playset ever.

  4. I had this, and loved it! Rubberband technology!!

  5. I had this and loved it -- little plastic stands inserted thru the cardboard ground and you could set up a scene where everyone actually stood. This Sears item came in a cool box -- it was about the size of a game box and well illustrated with photos -- it opened with flaps on the end, but the cardboard of the box was not particularly thick. Compared to the Mego sets of previous generations, this was sort of lame, but what made it great was that you got all four aliens at the same time, and none of your friends had it. Each figure was packed with a blaster (Storm Trooper or Han Solo styles) in a separate clear, sealed plastic bag with a blue Kenner logo and copyright on it. It was no Death Star playset, but it made me happy as a kid. Oh, and as far as continuity, I read just recently on another blog that they did eventually add this Snaggletooth to continuity.

  6. every kid in our neighborhood had the blue snaggletooth, and we had never seen a red one. wasn't until later that i found out that i had the tough one.

  7. I agree with the above poster... every kid in my neighborhood had blue snaggletooth too. What makes him so damn rare now?


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