Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Price of Fame

It has to be a weird compliment to be so famous that your face appears on items both flattering and unflattering. Take the late Farrah Fawcett-Majors for example, her trademark smile and hair was on posters, mugs, nightgowns and things like towels and these bean chairs. Basically, these are encouraging you to place your backside on that smiling face and no matter what happens during the course of your sit, she'll just grin and bare it like a trooper. "Oh sorry Farrah, these damned lentils!"

This kind of marketing has given me an idea, look for my line of Celebrity Urinal Cake Covers in the near future.


  1. What pubescent kid in the 70s didn't want to get a hold of Farrah Fawcett's bean bags?

  2. I wonder how many teenage boys got caught dry humping their beanbag by their mothers?

  3. There were so many options!

  4. "her trademark smile and hair

    ...there's another famous attribute of FFM's that's missing from that list.

  5. The way the ad is worded, it could be the possessive tense (or whatever it's called) "Farah Fawcett-Majors' Bean Bags"

  6. OH parents went on a trip when I was a little kid and came back with a poster each for my little sister and I..Mine sisters was of FONZIE and mine was this same Farrah Fawcet in the red swim suit pose. The thing that was SO cool was that they had the posters personalized so it looked as if Farrah and the Fonz actually gave them to us. Mine said something along the lines of "for Kimberly, my favorite kid...Love Farrah"; at 9 or 10 years old that was the coolest thing ever. I used to run around the neighborhood telling my little friends that Farrah was my real Mom and that my parents were raising me for her because she was so famous and of course I used the poster as proof. Good Lord.

  7. I'll bet there were a lot of sticky bean bag chairs later.


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