Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Heroes of the American Revolution

I could be wrong as I'm Canadian but I'm not sure any kid ever thought "I wish I had a John Paul Jones doll", this seems like bicentennial overload. If you had these as a kid and thought up exciting adventures for Ben Franklin like "The secret of the Bi-Focal Wearing Mummy's Tomb", please correct me in the comments section.
As an adult collector of Mego however, I kind of think these guys are kind of neat in a fun "Dimestore" kind of way.


  1. There really should have been a Benedict Arnold in the line so the rest of them had a villain to fight.

  2. I have VERY clear and fond memories of growing up in Philadelphia in 1976. It seemed like we couldn't get enough Bicentennial stuff that year. Heck, I think I wore red, white and blue outfit combos that whole summer! (maybe an exageration) AND I loved Mego and other 8" action figures.

    I had no interest in these as a kid.

  3. How dare you mock our forefathers you Canadian!! Nah...just joshin'. I would have never played with these as a kid either. They would have never have seen the light of day from the bottom of the toybox. probably not even if they sold British General toys to go with it.

  4. I must admit, I did secretly want to collect these figures only because I wanted every 8" or 12" action figure ever made and I thought these were nicely detailed. I never asked my parents for them, however, because I knew I would get a load of grief from my friends.

  5. I wanted Patrick Henry. I loved his purple coat.

  6. I had most of them at the time, and currently have two boxed (Washington and Jefferson, if I recall correctly). The outfits are nicely detailed, but the bodies are pretty crummy, similar to the AHI Monsters.

  7. I'm with earlier comment with no British figures or Benedict Arnold. As another Canuck, would be funny to be able to play Loyalists versus rebels... :-)


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