Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cool Collections: Dan Bru

Dan Bru, a graphic
designer/artist/blogger living in West Paris, Maine dropped me a line this week with some peaks at his uber cool upstairs office. Dan muses on comics, art and pop culture on his very own blog 3-d monster.

That Brianiac figure is one of Dan's own creations, which reminded that I used to know him as "DangerDan" waaaaaaay back on the Megomuseum forums.

Lots of Japanese toy love here.

Shogun Warriors are always a sign of good taste.

Lunch pails, classic toys and comics, no wonder, as Dan admitted, that he spends more time than his wife would like in this awesome workspace.

Thanks Dan! You have an enviable place to create.

Send in your cool collection


  1. Heck of a way to get inspired creatively!

  2. LoL. "Shogun Warriors are always a sign of good taste." Hell YEAH!! Killer!


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