Monday, December 07, 2009

Plush Godzilla and Zooky

Knickerbocker Godzilla

Not only did I get a plush Godzilla in my stocking for Christmas '80 but I still have it, he currently resides in my daughter's room. The Godzilla cartoon was a huge favourite of mine growing up as was the Marvel comic, no wonder so many 70s kids grew up digging the Big G.

I don't even really mind Godzooky all that much, I'd take four of him over one Scrappy Do anytime.

knickerbocker Godzilla

A Knickerbocker counter display box, exposing the two to one Zilla/Zooky ratio.


  1. Cute stuff. I definitely prefer Godzooky over Scrappy, ANY day.

  2. Interesting observation guys--yeah, for some reason I liked Godzooky, but I wanted to strangle Scrappy Doo.

  3. I remember the cartoon well, and used to sing the theme song when I was little. The tone of the song was all serious and destruction...until GodZooky came on. Then it changed to all shamrocks and lollipops. It was kind of like "Kill, eat, maim! Ahhh...isn't godzooky cute!"

  4. Alphacentaurian12/07/2009 12:27 PM

    Jeez... enough with the anti-Scrappy propaganda... it's just tired...

  5. alphacentaurian12/08/2009 1:45 AM

    Yes, but my point is that it isn't necessary so, and I'm sick of hearing it... everyone's jumping on the frigging anti-Scrappy bandwagon. Some of us actually like it (and stop with the insults against those of us who do... jeez)

  6. alphacentaurian12/08/2009 1:47 AM

    Yes, but my point is that it isn't necessary so, and I'm sick of hearing it... everyone's jumping on the frigging anti-Scrappy bandwagon. Some of us actually like him (and stop with the insults against those of us who do... jeez)

  7. I understand where you're coming from, preference is a silly thing to debate let alone insult someone over. I've only mentioned it once on this blog but I prefer Scooby Doo prior and (occasionally) post "Puppy Power" personally, to each their own.

  8. Uh...What happened in here? Was there seriously a Scrappy-doo scrap?

  9. Great interesting stuff on Plush toys. I love plush toys and I also had huge collection of it that to I have Godzilla toys in huge numbers.


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