Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mantooth by Baron

Well, I'm back on the wagon and I thought I'd open by sharing something that arrived just in time for Christmas, a portrait of PS spokesmodel Brick Mantooth by artist Tim Baron. I was a fan of Tim's previously for his portraits of Mego figures but I'm a sucker for Mantooth art.

One of these days I need a Black velvet Brick for my mantle and I need a mantle.

Tim also gave me a copy of his cool artbook "The Great and Terrible Dream" which I really enjoyed. The subject matter ranges from gothic horror to historical figures to Ben Cooper Halloween costumes, it's no surprise that I'd like it. It's a bargain at $7 and you can order copies at his store.


  1. He's really captured Brick's manly directness/shallow lack of subtley.


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