Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Dear Santa

Please send me the red number in the middle, not only do I promise to wear it often but I would visit each and every one of my neighbours houses this holiday season to express the warmest of yuletide greetings. Plus, if I add a cape, I'll look like a young Jon Pertwee.
I am a size 17 1/2, thanks in advance.--BrAiN


  1. Alphacentaurian12/02/2009 12:21 AM

    Can't... breathe...
    shirt... too... hilarious...
    That is, by far, the worst shirt ever posted here or on any other site!
    I thought I'd never see something that could top the puffy shirt.

  2. Holy crud! That cat in the red shirt is in flamenco dancing character.

    What's funny, err.. scary.. is that the shirts with the white collars are starting to come back in style!

  3. When was Jon Pertwee ever young?

  4. I think these fellas are still waiting for their great looking shirt


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