Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I Just Go Beserk!

Billy Jack Wear for men, anti violence rants and hapkido lessons (for resulting violence) not included.


  1. Dear god this is bad on so many levels. Each time I look, I notice some new horror.

  2. Wow, check out the look Patti Boyd is giving him!

  3. Its patchy the pimp and his superfly turtle neck! If this doesn't impress the ladies nothing will! HAHAHA!

  4. Alphacentaurian11/05/2009 3:14 AM

    A young John Tesh sports his new fab gear, getting undue attention from Carol Channing.

  5. OHHH------MMMMM-----GEEEE
    I think my eyes just threw up into the back of my skull. What colour is that and why, dear God, WHY the butterflys???????????

  6. Please tell me he is wearing her hat! Please please... :(

  7. Looks like Michael Fox in screen test for the dumped Back to the Future 4. Marty McFly ends up in the 70's and has to save his future older sister from being pimped. And that, is his disguise.

  8. Its a young George H Bush in his party all day out of the armed services days...


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