Thursday, October 01, 2009

Halloween Countdown 2009

I can't believe it's October already, that means the countdown to my favourite holiday has begun. Like every year, I'm going to be running a Horror themed bonus feature for the beginning of the month and flip the switch to total "Orange and Black" by the end.

Lots of fun stuff this season, four new catalogs, a new gallery and tons of cool and hilarious merchandise.

The best part is, I'm not alone, bloggers across the world unit to celebrate October 31st in style, for more spooky goodness check out this site Countdown to Halloween

Here are some cool Catalogs from last Halloween that I'd kind of forgotten about:

Rapco made really groovy craft kits back in the 1970s but most collectors remember them best for their line of Universal Monster products. The 1975 Rapco Catalog gives you an idea as to why these items are sought after monster collectibles now.

Before we had VCRs we had home projection systems (well some of us) which gave us the ability to play short silent clips from Hollywood classics like the Universal Monster films. The 1973 Castle Films Catalog is a fun trip into sadly, an obsolete form of commerce.

Check out our gallery of vintage Trick or Treat Shots from last year, so much goodness....


  1. I'm looking forward to all the treats you hand out this month.

  2. That banner is priceless! I wonder if there are any Ben Cooper family sets so that everyone get's some matching fun?

  3. Looks like we are in for a month of awesomeness! :)

  4. I second the pricelessness of the banner!


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