Friday, September 25, 2009

Vintage Toy Stores Part Seven

A long standing tradition on my birthday as a kid was my Grandmother taking me to the toystore to pick out amy own gift. I honestly don't remember what I chose every year but I do remember those times when I was able to pour over the aisles of Eaton's or Pinnochio's with no pressure to leave. In fact, my seventh birthday I'm pretty sure I spent the better part of two hours in a toy department. It must be the reason that I like hunting for these vintage shots so much.

Our seventh edition of Vintage Toystore photos show cases everything from Socker Boppers to Aurora Monster kits to G.I. Joe dolls, it's a fun flashback to "pre walmart" days of toy shopping and features many a long since gone independant and local chain store.

Be sure to check out volumes 1 through 6 of Vintage Toystores, you may even see your local haunt:


  1. That video clip showed the TOBOR robot. I remember those. Never had one though.

  2. What a picture! That endcap stuffed with monsters makes me tear up...

  3. Shogun Warriors! TOBOR! I miss you, Hills...and I love that clip.

  4. Wow! I would wander the Storkville in Saint Paul for what seemed like hours as a kid. This comment was brought to you by Micronauts, Little People, and Chicken-Pox.

  5. OMG! In that Hill's commercial at 0:21, they show MY Teddy Bear! I STILL have that bear today.

    I posted a pic of it here:


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