Sunday, September 20, 2009

Crazy Cool Toy Websites

Thought I'd use Sunday to share some new links, be prepared to waste an afternoon on these because they're a lot of fun. First up is the newly launced FPLP Word, which stands for Fisher Price Little People, a line of toys that I am particularly fond of.

Scott, the site's webmaster really knows his little people, so the site is extremely comprehensive with lots and lots of fun photography. There is even a forum if you want to talk Fisher Price...

Also this week, toy creator Mel Birnkrant, who last dazzled us with his amazing Maxx Fx site has returned to tell of yet another 80s toy line he created Animax.

Mel gives another fascinating insider's look into the toy industry from initial concept sketches, prototypes, toyfair presentations right down to the final products. The story includes all the details, right to the hassles, arguments and sadly, the complete botching of what would have likely been a terrific toy line.

Even if you've never heard of Animax, you'll be sucked into the story behind them and while you're there, check out his wonderful pages about the creation of the Colorforms Outer Space Men. You'll wish Mel had created all of your favourite toys because these sites are just so rewarding to read.

Just a PS, this colorforms set (released years after the Outer Space Men were done) was one of the things that probably made me a toy collector in the first place. I spent hours staring at the box wondering the history behind these wonderful toys and where I could get them. Thanks Mel!


  1. Oh god... and there's catalogs and ads to look at. I'll be up all night looking at that Little People site.

  2. I had that Spacewarriors colorform set! It may not seem like much but that thing was unbelievably fun! I haven't thought of that for over thirty years. That and the Darth Vader bop bag. Back to back memories I had forgot about. Thanks Brian! Plaidstallions does it again!

  3. Thanks for the link to the FP site! I really miss a FP fansite that existed a few years ago (I forgot its name, but its design was a true delight) -- I believe some stupid cease-and-desist brought it down. :(


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