Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Bouncy Bouncy

They should make adult sized of hippity hops, it would end war.


  1. man. Those were so entirely awesome. The irony was that they bounced best on pavement, where the inevitable fall was also much more painful.

  2. There's something unsavory going on in that inset drawing.

  3. I can hear Jimmy's little ACL snapping as he inadvertantly lands with one foot on the curved edge his Jumpin' Jimmy Trampoline.

  4. Dancin' Homer8/04/2009 9:22 AM

    my brother and i spent more time beating on each other with our hoppity hops than bouncing on them

  5. rob! HAAAHAAAA!!!!

    The motion lines are an unnecessary bit of overkill. I don't need no stinkin motion lines to know a hoppity hop adheres to the rules of physics.


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