Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Birth of the Leisure Suit

34 years ago men everywhere nodded in approval of this hot new look. I ask you, can you blame them?


  1. And those collars just go on for days...

  2. Dancin' Homer8/18/2009 7:24 AM

    so many unused pockets

  3. Must be deranged but always loved leisure suits. Told the wife I was going to buy 1 at a vintage clothing store here in town & she said she wouldn't be seen in public with me :)

  4. I guess you could get away with wearing an avocado colored (I was going to say sea foam, but that's too modern) suit as long as it's meant for leisure.
    Why is he tugging on his sleeve? What's he hiding up there? I should think the pockets provide enough storage space.

  5. If I were a suave guy (in reality I am neither a guy nor suave) looking to purchase a leisure suit I would be torn between the boldness of the plaid suit versus the 4 large storage pockets of the green suit? How did they ever decide? LOL!

  6. '70s fashion. Further proof there is no God.


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