Friday, July 03, 2009

Jamie Meets Spidey

Jamie submitted this great photo of him and Spidey to the PlaidStallions Facebook Page , I forgot to ask the date but judging by the cool Jaws Type Rubber shark he's holding I'm going to guess 1976...
plaid Stallions mall appearance gallery


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wonder, when actors were hired to do appearances as Marvel characters, did the guy who went as Spidey get a little more dough (than, say, a guy in a Captain America costume) because of the extra level of discomfort/difficulty wearing the suit?

  3. I don't think so, but I can find out for you. I'll post on here when I do.
    And doesn't it look like Spidey has gills or something? Like a Black Lagoon Spidey!

  4. Here is a direct quote from Steve at "Heroes in my Closet":

    Hi John!

    Pay was not predicated on costume. Actors got a flat fee per day plus per diem, which is an additional fee for food. But actors did get raises in their daily flat fees (per diems remained consistent for all actors) the more gigs they worked. As it was the easiest and most comfortable of the costumes, Spider-Man would have rated the cheapest rate, were they decided in that way. The Hulk gigs would have paid the most.

    I hope to have a new post up soon (maybe today even). Sorry for the delay and thanks for the continued support.



  5. John-

    Wow, thanks for the info! I had no idea there'd actually be an answer to what was a sort of silly question on my part.

    The Spidey suit was comfortable? That's surprising...

  6. No prob Rob! Glad to help, and amazingly I had the perfect source! And he told me the suit was spandex and very breathable. He got cold much more often than hot. Check out his great stories at


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