Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's Johnny Patchwork

Atta Boy, when life gives you bad denim, just make lemonade!


  1. Dancin' Homer6/17/2009 6:27 AM

    Patches, I'm dependin' on ya son.

  2. Hey, it's Holly Hobbie's brother, Harry Hobbie!

  3. I'm auditioning for Hee-Haw!

  4. Good to know it also comes in a "slim" style--why should skinny kids be spared the humiliation?

  5. Reminds me of the quick glue-on patches my dad would put on my jeans and Toughskins when I got holes in the knees. Remember those thick cardboardy ones? lol

  6. Dancin' Homer6/17/2009 7:12 PM

    i hated tough skins. they made my knees sweat!

  7. Not only are the pants horrible, but they made the kid wear them up by his chest!

  8. This kid reminds me of George Brenner, this smarty pants 7th grader they used to parade over to the High School in my Sophomore year to try and show us up cuz he was oh-so smart. Man, kicking his ass always felt so good. God how I miss the 70's, keep up the good work, Retro Stallions!

  9. Oh yes, those thick cardboardy knee patches. I had them too. Along with my black socks and plaid shorts and polyester shirts... Good Lord my mommy dressed me funny........

  10. Wow, is this was a ghetto, live-action Megaman would have looked like in the 70's? I'm so astounded by the sheer bad fashion in this photo, I'm almost impressed by it.


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