Thursday, June 18, 2009

Godzilla Day!

Well, it's one of those days where your teacher is too hung over to do anything so he just wheels in the projector. In my case, I'm sick but it works just as well. I thought it would be fine time to showcase these commercials from our DVD showcasing a character near and dear to my inner eight year old, Godzilla!

First off is this commercial for the Mattel Godzilla Game a product I honestly don't remember but it was part of Mattel's late seventies love affair with the character and the graphics are just sweet.

Secondly and this really is the classic, the Mattel Shogun Warriors Godzilla, while I think every 70s toy collector should be court ordered to buy one, I'd also love to get a hold of the Japanese version which looks more like the big guy.

Get him Stretchy Supes!

I'm still hopelessly devoted to finding the HG Toys "Godzilla vs Tricephalon" play set for myself someday. Anybody got one for sale, I guess it would help if I checked Ebay for one.

Lastly, another classic, the Ben Cooper Godzilla Halloween costume, another thing that made you jealous when you saw kids wearing it on October 31st..

Have a great weekend people, I'm off to stomp a city!


  1. while not solely related to the 70's (although it could have come from that period) this excellent post of yours reminds me of this:

    I REALLY need one of these...

  2. It's all gold... especially the Shogun Godzilla, which is the only big Shogun that I own right now. (Really need to get Rodan someday.)

    Get better sick boy.

  3. alphacentaurian6/19/2009 3:12 AM

    But... where are the Gamera toys?
    Gamera is the friend of all children!

    (Old man rant mode on) Seriously, this stuff is way more inspired than the stuff they pumped out for the late 90s movie (and animated series) (Old man rant mode off)

  4. Great Godzilla post! I loved playing the Mattel game, was a lot of fun. The shogun 'zilla is without a doubt a must-own. (Still have mine, minus the red plastic handle). I don't think I've ever seen the Japanese version - can you post a pic?
    I forgot about the stretch Superman.

    Get well...

  5. WHy is Chuck Barris in the background of the Shogun commercial? Although he is striking quite the pose.

  6. Yea! Movie...err Godzilla Day!

    I loved my Godzilla and I think I'm on a quest to gets me one! But that game is so freaking sweet, I wish I would have had that as a kid.

  7. Thanks for giving us something to do on your sick day. That's dedication! Get better soon! (Unless it's from bum wine...then you deserve it.)

  8. I also like how the 1st commercial talks about Godzilla's ugly tongue. It's supposed to be him breathing fire. But hey, what are ya gonna do?

  9. Dancin' Homer6/20/2009 7:54 AM

    Stretch Supes is doing a Jeff Van Gundy re-enactment

  10. I've got the game I have had it since I was a kid.


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