Wednesday, May 27, 2009

There are 50 Adventures of G.I. Joe

And I want every single one of them! Argh!
I'm not really a Joe collector but about once every 4 years, I go on this insane bender, where I purchase as much as I can find and afford. Eventually I came to my senses realising a) I'm broke and b) I have no room to put all this stuff. So I end up paring it down a bit, keeping childhood favourites.

This cycle constantly repeats itself, I blame the packaging, it's brilliant and my inner six year old just makes me it's slave. Help me....


  1. Hayull Yeah, Adventure Team! This is my era, I have a collection of original AT figures and several sets. I loved this stuff as a kid.. Back when you actually had to create your own characters and adventures. Good times.

  2. Do you have any info on the illustrator who did the packaging? I always find them impressive.

  3. Dancin' Homer5/27/2009 6:45 AM

    This is my era as well, though I somehow had some old plastic-hair Joes as well (maybe from somebody's garage sale?).

    Did the timing of Joe's bearded, fuzzy look coincide with the launch of AT?

  4. Is this the smaller Joe? I never had any of those, all mine were the 12" guys that came in a box, not a bubble pack. My mom sold them at a garage sale.

  5. Only 50? I guess Adventure one should be find some pants, that center picture is just disturbing.

    Adventure Team was my era as well, though my Joe didn't survive, I've picked up some of the reproduction ones released not too long ago.

  6. I'd love to see a book collecting the art on the packages--it's really sweet.

  7. Growing up, I had a vague memory of owning GI Joe toys, namely the army footlocker and that big orange six-wheeled tank thing (The Tracker?) that came with a black rubber bird that I terrorized our pet sparrow with in '76 (the sparrow eventually got so pissed off that he attacked me one day, biting me all over my neck and face then flying off, never to fault, I know).

    It wasn't until a couple of years ago when I picked up the big whopping GI Joe collector's book that I realized I had all kinds of GI Joe dolls and toys growing up. Wish I hadn't neglected them so. I think the last thing I ever saw from my collection was the black rubber bird. Haunting for sure.


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