Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Six Million Dollar Man Trading Card

It pretty much had to happen, Card #20 is the Six Million Dollar Man and for good reason.
My own mother will tell me how she was almost trampled to death at a Zellers store trying to get me this guy for Christmas 1975, (she succeeded) One of the problems of working on this blog is that it gives me the inclination to reunite with some old toys I never had the desire to before and I bought my first bionic man doll this week. It was bigger than me...
I know I have a vintage shot of me with ol' Steve Austin but I can't find it for the life of me.

Here is a classic Bionic Man Commercial from Volume One of our DVD.

1976 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1977 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1978 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog


  1. I loved the Bionic Man as well. He was my hero of the early 70s. And when Jamie came around, I was as smitten as Steve. :)

    A few years ago, my wife gifted me with a Steve Austin figure, with the red track suit, the bionic eye and all. Love it. And then she even gifted me with a box of Six-Million Dollar Man trading cards. Yay!

    Bestest wife ever! :)

  2. I know, I know...

    My old Bionic Man is long gone, but luckily I have my wife's slightly battered Steve Austin to keep me from hunting down another one.

    I can't even BEGIN to tell you how badly I want a Bionic Bigfoot though. It's so creepy, but I loved that toy as a kid.

  3. Now I miss my Steve Austin... Wasn't he one of the only action figure that had socks? I'm not sure why, but when I think of the Steve Austin action figure I remember being impressed by the socks... he might not of even had them, but for some reason I thought he did, little white socks...

  4. Was there more than one model of the Six Million Dollar Man action figure? I don't remember the bionic grip.

  5. Chunky- Yeah, he had socks, so did certain Big Jim sets but they were a rare commodity in the action Figure world.

    Jim- Yeah Bionic Grip came later, I must have destroyed my original Bionic Man because I remember having both. A year later, he got "BIOSONIC" parts, I have no idea what that means...


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