Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spider-Man pops a Wheelie?

You don't see a great deal of AHI stuff in department store catalogs but the Zoom cycles were a little higher price point and combined superheroes with Evel Knievel, so it's a no brainer.

This page is from the 1976 Azrak Hamway Catalog and shows that Spider-Man, Batman and Doctor Zaius were in the coolest motor cycle gang ever.

or check out Spiderman Collector but be sure to put aside a couple of hours.


  1. I'm actually diggin' that boxed Flintstones car, that's a pretty accurate repro for a "rack" toy.

  2. That boxed Flintmobile is way cool, I'm also digging the Dr. Zaius, that is just freaking awesome!

  3. I had one of those Flintstones cars. Dino always fell off the back.

  4. I received the Evil Knievel motorcycle one year as a gift, I had to have it!


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