Wednesday, March 11, 2009


click here to see a larger image of Septor

This is one from the "toys we never got" file. Sometime in the late Seventies, toy make Funstuf proposed this combination of Stretch Armstrong and a Cylon. Sadly, it doesn't look Septor ever materialized, which is probably good for Funstuf because Kenner sued the pants off Mego back in the day for their Elastic Superheroes.
Still, you could could have teamed Septor up with ROM: SpaceKnight for some awesome intergalactic buddy cop action as they fought the Terron from Super Joe....

kenner butch sundance toys.......Hasbro SuperJoe Catalog
UPDATE: Andy has informed me that this guy indeed get produced but he's only 6" tall, so I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open on ebay.


  1. Septor! Don't get him in a cut!

    Get it?

    Okay, it wasn't that good, but it's all I had.

  2. I found this site by Googling "1978" (or, perhaps it was "1976"). I just wanted to let you know that I think that this site is super FANTASTIC!! I'm one of the most nostalgic people you'll ever meet. I'm 38 now, but I can come here and feel 8 again!!

    By the way, this "Septor" guy is weak. "Stretch Armstrong" and "Stretch Monster" were the only stretch action figures worth getting; I had'em both!

  3. Awesome! It looks like he's doing a spacy version of "YMCA" in the background drawings lol!

  4. I now have an idea for yet another re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica...

  5. What? That the plot can be "stretched" even thinner? Yes, I kill me.....


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