Monday, March 30, 2009


It's official, I have a disco lady fetish or "TonyManerophelia", thanks to the interweb, I'll be able to find many like me in no time.


  1. I think I just fell in love with light blue. Although it would be interesting to see what the model looks like now. Wrinkly I guess?

  2. The lady with the rainbow outfit looks like a spokesperson for the Atari game "Breakout".

  3. I'm digging the blonde in blue.

  4. omg, Wings, you're right, the rainbow outfit is so Breakout!!
    Back in the 70's my mom and her friends (much to my horror) used to lounge around the pool wearing variations of the blue ensemble, playing funky music, sucking on Kools and downing martinis. Except they each had about 100 pounds on that blonde. Sorry for that visual.

  5. I love that the girl in blue in figure 2 is doing "the bump." Saucy!

  6. 70`s gals are the best, its not your fault....


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