Tuesday, March 17, 2009


While I've seen Underoos in catalogs for years, it's usually just showing the usual Batman and Spider-Man but here's a rare occasion when they feature one of my favourites Aquaman and not only that but they're snubbing the caped crusader!
It's crazy hard to find Aquaman merchandise in catalogs, as Rob from the Aquaman Shrine will attest to.....


  1. Awesome post! I used to have the Aquaman Underoos and I loved them! Wore that shirt so often.

  2. I had those, and earned a mighty whoop-ass from my elementary school classmates because of it.

    Good times, good times.

  3. That Aquaman get-up is about the raddest thing since Mega Force. Damn!

  4. Way to phone it in on those Hulk Underoos.. They couldn't silk screen some muscle definition on a green t-shirt and include some purple shorts? Come on!!

  5. My college roommate's boyfriend wore them! And yes, she ended up marrying him!

  6. she ended up marrying him!

    Well, that's one.

  7. Alas, I had the mighty Batman ones! But I wasn't crazy enough to wear them to school. One of my classmates got laughed right out of the boys restroom one day.


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