Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sit on the Superfriends

I never run into vintage Bean bag chairs at antique malls or toy shows, they must have just been thrown out most of the time. I'm digging this Superfriends one the most.

You almost get the whole Justice League in there including Batgirl, who was an odd choice. She also ended up on the Superfriends lunch box eventhough she never once appeared on the series. Odd how that happens...


  1. That would have been so cool if she had been on the show though

  2. What's nice about the Superfriends one: Wendy and Marvin have been replaced by The Flash and Green Lantern, Wonderdog has been replaced by BatGirl and Zan and Jayna are nowhere to be found!

  3. What's the deal with Bat Girl's large child bearing hips? Wonder Woman looks like a toothpick by comparison, maybe she needs to use some of Brick Mantooth's '70s exercise equipment.

  4. I had the Batman one. I got it for Christmas 1974. My kids and I were just looking at pictures and I spotted that beanbag in several of the photos.

  5. So, what the heck is "Katie Patch"? A knock off of Holly Hobbie?


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