Monday, September 08, 2008

Sesame Street Week On PlaidStallions

I've been meaning to get to this for a long time now but the discovery of this photo of my fifth birthday cake (which was coconut died blue BTW) provided me some motivation. Like many of us, I was Sesame street obsessed as a kid, even my dog's name was Grover.

Christmas 1975 provided me with the one of the best playsets of all time, I not only still have it but I'm within five feet of it now.

Which leads us to today's cool Sesame Street entry, I saw this far too often but I'd wear this now....


  1. YES!!! I'm a huuuuuuge fan of the Street!

    I spent the around a year between 2-3 taking my Bert & Ernie dolls absolutely everywhere with me. They're still sitting in my bedroom today. They look a bit worse for wear, since my Mom threw them in the washing machine once. NOT a good idea for toys that have felt ears & faux fur hair. They kinda have really tight little afros now.

    Looking forward to this week! And I'd wear that too...

  2. P.S. - A friend bought me this shirt - - in the US. I'm still waiting for him to mail it to me!

  3. I'm just barely older than Sesame Street, so it was a big deal for me as a kid as well. Don't remember having any SS toys, though. But I'd love to have one of those hats now! Go Grover!!

  4. I remember that playset! It was a ton of fun. I loved the Oscar the Grouch trash can that came with it.

  5. I'd soooo go for the Grover or Cookie Monster tuque and scarf!

    It took me everything not to buy a Sesame Street wallet the other day. :P

    Oh, and I'm jealous about the Sesame Street set. I believe I had it for a while (there was this toy library we used to go to) and somehow I kept one of Bert and Ernie's beds...

  6. I agree, the Fisher Price Sesame Street stuff ranks up there with some of the best toys of all time!


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