Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Space: 1999 Contest Winners

I forgot to mention the winners to our Space:1999 toy contest, for those who didn't get it the answer to the question: "Who Created Space:1999"? was Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, I also accepted simply Gerry Anderson.

The 3 runners up who get a set of PS trading cards (that's 1 through 8 plus a slmie sticker) are:

Chuck Soileau
John T Hilliard
Joe Stanley
And the grand prize winner of the two CTVT figures is:

Steve Shelley

If you didn't include your address please send it to me otherwise, I'll ship these out. Look for more contests in the very near future.


  1. Doh! How did I miss this contest!!!

    Congrats to all the winners!

  2. Me too... how did I miss this??

    Congrats to the winners though! Space 1999 was one cool show with the best near realistic space vehicle design to be seen on TV.


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