Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Holly Hobby Mania

Being a lad, the allure of Holly Hobbie completely missed me but the number of times I saw her back in the day makes me think that she was something of a rock star in that "girl world" of which I still know little to nothing about.
I will admit to being somewhat nostalgic for dear old Holly, this happened last week when my three year old brought home her first "Bratz" doll. I like to think I'm young but that incident alone hiked up my pants about 3 good inches.

It's Tuesday and here's what cool on DVD today:

You can get the first season of Cannon on DVD today, starring William Conrad as the crimebuster with a glanduar problem. God, I loved spotting the obvious stunt man in some of these shows.

This isn't from the 1970's but seeing as I'm a monster fan I thought I'd mention the rerelease of the classic Karloff Mummy DVD in the legacy collection. I still remember watching this as a kid and being totally captivated.

Last week saw the release of the 1966 Batman Movie on Blue Ray. This was an event when it turned up on the WKBW Sunday movie back in the 70's. I should be running a contest for a copy fairly soon...


  1. Cannon was hilarious! He was too fat to chase after the bad guys, so he would just run them over with his Lincoln!

  2. A little something for the ladies! Thanks for including a girl toy! Yay!

    I, of course, knew all about Holly Hobby, but she never really appealed to me. Maybe because she was human -- I never really liked dolls much. I always liked the pets and accesssories that came with the dolls. Still, I didn't have anything against Holly Hobby. She was cute.

  3. Holly Hobbie: My sister, of course, had a bunch. That gigantic, tick-like bonnet always creeped me out. However, her more recent Toot and Puddle books are funny and beautifully painted.

    Cannon: Anybody remember the 'Fridge Alert" from MST3K? It would alert you if William Conrad was breaking into your fridge to steal food (and ONLY William Conrad).

  4. I loved William Conrad Fridge Alert! Whoever played him on MST3K was about as convincing as his stuntman!

  5. Holly Hobbie is still around, but updated in kind of a pseudo-neo-retro style:


    Kinda weird, huh.

  6. If I'm remembering correctly, Fridge Alert is on the Poopie! dvd (or tape). I think Dr. F and TV's Frank kept giggling the entire time and they could barely get through the scene (which happened quite a bit, from what I understand).

  7. her little mini-kitchen looks like it was set up on a set from one of the Hostel movies.

    good to see little Jane is making lemonade outta lemons!


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