Thursday, July 03, 2008

Everything's Archie!

Marx Archie figures

I never saw these Marx Archie figures as a kid or else I'd have been all over them, I've always been a big fan. These are prototypes of the actual figures as some of the head sculpts are off and they definitely didn't have articulated bodies like that, the actuall product has that lame Sunshine Family style going on.

Is it me or does that Archie figure look pissed? It looks like he's ready kick somebody's ass off camera....


  1. Archie definitely shows signs of 'roid rage there.

  2. Yeah, looks like Archie is unleashing on the paparrazi. Or maybe Reggie. Veronica has a really tiny forehead. And Jughead would never let Betty's hand get that close to his!

    I searched the actual figs on google and ebay, and you are right - they look much better in that advertisement than they did on shelf. The real Archie, while much happier, appears to have had a stroke, as only half his mouth opens all the way. Jughead looks Quentin Crisp gay. And screw the "play value" - Betty & Veronica look a lot better with molded hair than that aweful rooted hair.

  3. Those are FREAKY!

    The actual product never looks like the prototype, that can be good and bad...

    I have to say I would have had to get that car and "sup it up!"

  4. Wow. I just don't see these ever selling. Girls wouldn't buy them because Betty and Veronica have plastic hair and guys wouldn't buy them because of the existence of Star Trek/ PotA/ GI Joe/ etc. figures...

    DH: the paparazzi comment is spot on.

  5. I like the Jalopy - was that ever made?

  6. Yeah I've seen it a few times at shows.

  7. Jughead's nose is deeply disturbing when transformed into three dimensions.


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