Monday, March 17, 2008

Man Mates Strike Again!

Man Mates

In terms of fashion mockery, there is no bigger or more fun target than Man Mates. In case this is your first exposure, Man Mates are a brand of leisure wear that seemed silly and dated when they were new. Loud outrageous colours, wide lapels and many, many Ascots.

It's the stuff Mr.Furhley would later make famous and not that much later. No matter how much of this stuff I show, I just keep finding more. Rest assured, that the lady in the photo above is not laughing with these two lady killers.

More Man Mates:

Revenge of the Man Mates Planet of the Man Mates

Son the Man Mates Dawn of the Man Mates


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! My dad has talked about the lime green three-piece suit he used to wear to work, but I never could picture it clearly... now I know...

    AHHH!!! to think, he wore it with a purple floral short & a pink tie!

  2. SHIRT, not short... I wish I could edit this! *embarrassed*

  3. The lime greenie fits in nicely with St Pat's day today.

    I had a lime green leisure suit as a kid. It was handed down from my brother, and it was my first "suit". The lime green leisure suit has become almost a '70s cliche, but I did indeed own one. And I thought I looked pretty happening in it too.

  4. The guy on the left is actually the manager for Team Bianchi.

    It is so hard to look good in a suit, or cool on a bike that is a color called 'celeste'...

  5. Governor McGreevey, Mrs. McGreevey, and "friend."


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