Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ladies Sci Fi Wear Department

fembot jumpsuit

What selection, you can either don the Fembot jumpsuit or look like one of Captain Kirk's weekly love interest. Go for the Fembot ladies, Kirk will just use you....


  1. Who says you don't have posts for girls?!

    In keeping with the sci-fi theme of this post, I would just like to say that either of these outfits would fit right in with Mystery Science Theater 3000. You could either look like Joel/Mike or you could opt for the stylish Manos design. Either one is sure to be a hit.

  2. When I was around 12 (which would have been 1990), I found my Mom's rust-colored, bell-bottom corduroy jumpsuit. Being she's much tinier than me, I was able to fit into it at the time. I thought it was awesome & wore it all the time! I think that was the beginning of my love for vintage clothes...

  3. hard choice... I'll got for the weekly love interest

  4. Oh, I love this blog! And Fembots..brings back wonderful memories of Jaime Somers. I broke the towel bar in the bathroom, bending it back and forth in slow-mo just like Jaime. I played Bionic Woman and/or Charlie's Angels a lot as a kid.

    Those were the days...

    I also had a bunch of these 1970's leisure clothes that my mom's friend gave to her for me - laugh all you want, that Star Trek style of dresses was COMFY!

  5. My mom had the beige coloured caftan/mumu thingie - she loved it, even after we nicknamed it the "Caftamu". She wore it after her bath at night, if you got home and the "caftamu" was on, you were late


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