Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A double shot of generic Star Wars goodness

I can't get enough Star Wars rip offs and the page above has one of the best, Starroid Raiders action figures by Tomland. The Space Case is another cool "Me too" type product.

Star Raiders were a Mego type varaiation on the theme, also by Tomlands, many of the characters had vaguely familiar looking faces. For more info on them, check out this site.


  1. those aliens make me sad.

  2. Knock Offs are great! I remember seeing some great Power of the Force knock offs in China years ago.

  3. Interesting... the "Starforce Space Hawk" toy looks like it's based on a Viper from Battlestar Galactica, and one of the action figs to the right of it looks like a critter I saw once on Doctor Who. There's all kinds of knock-off action happening here!

  4. It kind of looks like all the Starroid guys were jedi knights, as they all have light sabers...err...laser cutlasses.

  5. I had a record player with the inside cover a Star Wars ripoff image. Too bad I no longer have it, I'd put a pic of it online if I did...

  6. I had that Space Case. I kept my SW figures in it. I don't know what happened but I now have my figured packed in a SW collectors case.

    Hey thanks for this site! I've been seeing alot of toys and stuff from my past (I was born in 75). If your interested, I have some Sears home improvement catalogs that have great wall papers and decor from around 76-78.


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