Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Move over velvet Elvis

I'm setting my phasers on "art" and this is heading warp speed to my mantle.


  1. I vaguely remember this form of art, though I've never seen the Star Trek one. That is pretty cool, not only do you get the Enterprise, but two Romulan Bird of Preys!

  2. Oh! Oh! I actually have the (or a) Star Trek string art, unassembled and still in the box! I need to get pics of it and post them in the forums..

  3. haha.... the star trek one is awesome! you should look into geometric string art as well. it's kinda like one of those spirograph things, but it's with string.

  4. I have one hanging on my wall! Complete! Made it in the '70's!

  5. I really think my parents had that Star Trek one. Actually they may _still_ have it someplace...


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