Friday, August 03, 2007

70's Superhero Mall Appearances

click here to see Superheroes at the mall

Thanks to the generous donation of our blog readers I have some fantastic new images of 70's mall appearances by Superheroes, Jawas, Micronauts, Apes and even Lee Majors! This is a subject I will admit to being obsessed with so if you have photos like these and want to share please drop us a line, I'll send you a prize pack for your troubles!


  1. Love the pics!

    I wish I had some from a theme restaurant here in town called the Magic Time Machine. I haven't been there in years and I'm not sure they are still in business, but when I was a kid my sister worked there in college. Anyway the place was full of costumed characters (not licensed of course, try to get away with this nowadays) like Spider-man, Captain America, Superman, Pirates, Roman Soldiers, Princesses, Genies, you get the idea. The whole staff dressed up, it was pretty cool if you were a kid. I'll see what I can dig up.

  2. I must repeat what I wrote on your Kotter post from January, here:

    "I think I am in love with you now.

    My husband's nervous.

    I may need to steal from you from time to time; I have both "Don't Wear Wednesday" and "Bad Music Thursday" on my blog, and you are a gold mine to me."

    sigh. You're dreamy.

  3. i distinctly remember a mall visit from the Hulk, and instead of a guy in a costume, it was an inflatable Hulk, like 20 ft high!

    does anybody else remember this or am i dreaming?

  4. Acroyear from the Micronauts, Planet of the Apes! F***! nobody ever came to Oregon.

  5. Thank you for the wonderful photos and the spectacular prize pack. It's very appreciated.


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