Monday, March 19, 2007

Hey Bigfoot, got your ears on?

The Six Million Dollar Man "Tower of Power" playset gives you not only an Evel Kneivel esque vibe but also, 3 3/4" versions of Steve Austin and Bigfoot that can interact with your Stars Wars guys and Pocket Heroes.

Exactly why Steve Austin and Bigfoot are racing cars is anyone's guess.


  1. i had that Big Foot figure...LOVED it. never tired of popping that chest plate off, either.

  2. I think Steve's actually racing a Dust Buster, isn't he?

  3. ha! I somehow have this solo Big Foot figure. Too funny that many issues in the 70's could be resolved through drag racing.

  4. This is so 70's-give the beast a way to race Steve Austin! Hilarious!

    Come join the Six million Dollar man-the Secret of BigFoot page on FB...


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