Monday, February 12, 2007

You Gotta Wash Yer Ass, Kid

I love Redd Foxx but I kind of think it weird that a toy company (my guess would be Shindana) thought that the nightclub comic and TV Superstar would make the perfect Teddy Bear.

Maybe his TV Character Fred Sanford but Foxx himself worked pretty blue, bless his heart. One of his sayings, "Wash your face before you kiss me kid" makes me laugh though, I so have to own this.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go put batteries in my daughters Tickle me Artie Lange.


  1. "YOUR DADDY SAT ONE ME"?? ye gods! does the toy come with a gift certificate for 3 free hours of family psychotherapy?

  2. "Hear Fred call people dummies! Hear him tell his deceased wife he is about to die of a heart attack and join her!"

    I wonder, where is the modern equivalent? I want a Chris Rock doll!!!


  3. Yup! Not a PC toy in sight back then.

  4. Oh man, I wonder if there were Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor Dolls to round out the collection...

  5. There was also a Flip Wilson/Geraldine version that was pretty much like this Red Foxx doll. I had one in the early 1970s and naturally the voice box wore out quickly since I kept wanting to hear him/her say "What you see is what you get, honey. Whooa!"

  6. Does he come with a toy bottle of Ripple? ;)

  7. where i can order it? I mean this toy


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