Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sit on Fonzie's face

I'm loving this selection of Bean Bag chairs from '76, my personal fave being the Star Trek one although Fat Albert is tempting.

Again with the Welcome Back Kotter and how often do you see licensed merchandise from Convoy ?


  1. Ah, the beanbag. How many of these ended up in the trash the day after Christmas after kids jumped on them one too many times and they busted, shooting tiny white beads everywhere?

    I had a Super Friends one. I swear it had Green Arrow and BATGIRL on it. I am not nuts. I'd love to see a picture of it again.


  2. Another thing I just noticed.

    Is it just me, or did the Trek beanbag manufacturer rip off the box art from Mego's tricorder?


  3. Wow. The only licensed product from the movie "Convoy" I've ever seen. And it's a beanbag! I wonder how much coke that thing bought Sam Peckinpah?


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